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Liz Lewis

Bozeman, Montana

About Liz

From a very young age, Liz Lewis preferred to be outdoors exploring. The marshy bottoms of adjacent farmland provided early and immersive exposure to the natural world and the wonders of its inhabitants. Being a visual person by nature, she would return home to recreate her experiences with her pencils and paintbrushes. Liz was raised in a shooting family, whose recreation was spending the day at the rifle or skeet range. Later when their interests moved to sporting clays, it was not long before Liz was traveling the country as a sponsored member of the National Sporting Clays Association's All-American Ladies and Junior Teams. She studied wildlife and fisheries biology at the same time, and balanced them both with bird hunting and fishing in her home state of Wisconsin, before moving to Bozeman, Montana. It is Montana where she and her husband began throwing themselves headlong into an all-consuming sporting life, going well beyond passion and lifestyle. Trading competitive shooting for pointing dogs and bird hunting, she was free to explore the west with her gun, dogs and fly rod. Liz continues to draw on her life of sporting experience as a fly fishing guide, outdoor photographer, shooting instructor, avid bird and big game hunter and equestrienne. Liz prides herself in attention to proportion and scientific accuracy, while still interpreting the finer elements of the subject, which stir the emotions of the viewer. Liz’s bronzes often tell a story. Sometimes a scene frozen in her memory that she shares from life as a guide, as a hunter or even just as a dog owner. The situational bronze; shows that particular moment of truth, and leaves the rest for your imagination.

Art Gallery Location

Charleston Place
205 Meeting Street
Charleston, SC 29401 United States

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