SEWE counts it a great privilege to showcase an expansive collection of wildlife art from premier painters and sculptors in the genre. While the pinnacle of our year occurs in February when artists and collectors gather in Charleston, we represent artists and source new work year-round. We look forward to celebrating these new works with you throughout the year, and hope they bring you the same inspiration as they do us.  Stay tuned as new works will be released bi-monthly. See all available works at the Fresh off the Easel gallery.>>


39″h x 35″w x 21″d, Bronze, $15,000

“I’m inspired by my lifelong fascination of birds. They have been my life’s passion from a very early age. My goal in my work is to depict a slice of a bird’s personal life that is generally missed by the casual viewer. A closeness can be created by this process and one may walk away with a greater understanding of these amazing creatures.”


Stefan Savides


Also available from Stefan Savides

African Extremes, 25″h x 12″w x 6″d, Edition 35, $2,200


Wrens Day, 11″h x 7″w x 5″d, Edition 35, $1,800


Globe Trotter, Bronze, 4″h x 14″w x 5″d, Edition 35, $1,800


Summer Breeze, 26″h x 7″w x 9″d, Edition 35, $2,900


Tres Pescadores, 6″h x 23″w x 8″d, Edition 35, $3,100



“I came into this world totally fascinated with birds,” says sculptor Stefan Savides. “My earliest childhood memories were all about birds. They have been a lifelong fascination that I’ve never strayed from.” Combine Stefan’s love of birds with an innate sense of design inspired by his mother’s ever-present floral designs. Add extensive experience in taxidermy and you have an artist whose cast bronze bird sculptures grace the collections of art connoisseurs and bird enthusiasts across the country and beyond. “I would have to give my dearest Mother 90 percent credit for my art training as she was an exceptional floral arranger,” he says. “I feel I got the essence of design through osmosis via living around her never-ending parade of floral designs.” However, it was the years of taxidermy that fine-tuned Stefan’s understanding of anatomy. ” I consider taxidermy a form of sculpture,” he says. “For me, it was not just about mounting a bird, but it was creating an entire composition, using all the elements of design and emotional connection. I have always considered myself to be an artist first, and a taxidermist second.”

Having spent 53 years as a taxidermist, Stefan currently considers himself a “recovering taxidermist.” He now devotes his attention full time to casting birds in bronze at his Klamath Falls, Oregon, studio. The work space features an entire glass wall that looks out onto a pond with both resident and visiting waterfowl – a constant source of inspiration. “I feel that my job is to give each person who views my work a personal insight into the private life of each specie that I sculpt,” says the artist whose entire life has focused on recreating birds in one form or another.




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